Sabtu, 22 Mei 2010

Tari Jathilan

Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 07.38, under | No comments

Begitu banyak kesenian yang ada di indonesia, sampai-sampai kita tidak dapat mengenalinya. Jathilan erupakan sebuah kesenian yang berasal dari Jawa Tengah dan Sekitarnya. Merupakan Salah satu peninggalan budaya yang sangat berharga. Tari jathilan ini merupakan perpaduan adantara seni tari gerakan dan unsur Magic kenapa, karena setiap tari ini mesti ada orang yang kesurupan atau memang sengaja di surupkan biar mereka menari dengan bebas , tak terkendali dan menari di bawah alam sadar mereka. Mereka ( Penari jathilan ) tidak sadar dengan apa yang mereka lakukan sampai mereka di sadarkan kembali oleh orang pintar yang mendampingi mereka.

Biasanya Tari Jathilan ini di iringi alat musik gamelan jawa seperti, saron, gendang, gong, bonang, kempul, slompret, ketipung, dan lain-lain. Diiringi musik dari band yang ada di belakan...hahaha. Biasanya udah satu paket antara musik dan penarinya. Banyak keunikan dalam tarian ini diantaranya gerakan tari yang begitu khas, pakaian, alat pendukung dan tariannya yang kalau kesurupan. Tari ini bisanya banyak kita temukan jika ada acara-acara khusus atau hari besar islam dan Ulang tahun pemerintah daerah seperti yang ada di Magelang kemarin.

Mungkin kita tidak tau betapa berharganya kebudayaan kita, tetapi sekarang sudah banyak sanggar tari daerah yang mulai melestarikan seni tari ini. Dari kecil mereka sudah di latih dan di ajari. Mungkin kebanyakan anak sekarang mereka lebih suka didepan televisi ntah liat film atau maen game dan mereka jarang pergi keluar sekedar untuk bermain khususnya permainan tradisional. Maka dari pada itu kesadaran dan tanggung jawab masyarakat harus ada untuk melestarikan kebudayaan mereka. Minimal mengenal walaupun tidak dapat menghasilkan materi yang banyak tapi siapa tau besok akan memberi mangfaat yang besar bagi kita semua.

Rabu, 27 Januari 2010

Instruments Drums From Maluku and Papua

Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 21.59, under | 1 comment

Tifa is a musical instrument that originated from Maluku and Papua, Tifa like a drum I play is to hit. Made from a wood dikosongi or dihilangi contents and on one side of the tip was covered, and is usually used deerskin cap that has dried to produce a good sound and beautiful. bentuknyapun usually made with carvings. each tribe in embarrassment and papuamemiliki drums with his characteristic respectively.

Tifa is usually played to accompany traditional dances, such as the war dance, traditional dance Asmat, and Dance gatsi. rian is normally used on special occasions such as traditional ceremonies and important occasions other.

Jumat, 04 Desember 2009


Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 20.23, under | No comments

a traditional tool that we often encounter in the area east of Java, Madura particularly called clurit. Sickle or crescent is an agricultural tool similar arch-shaped knife used for cutting various types of grasses, The inside of the arch-shaped sharp, curved shape facilitates the cutting process by cutting the bottom of the cut plants by swinging like motion hack with one hand, or when to collect grass or harvesting the rice crop the other hand holding the main biasanyah plants. handles or the upper wooden scythe.

Clurit is the development of a sickle, which was developed by the community madura, Clurit legend believed to have originated from the pack Sakera / Sakerah, a foreman from Pasuruan cane which became one of resistance to Dutch colonialism. He is known for never leaving celurit and always carry / wear in everyday activities, which was used as a farm / plantation. He comes from the students and a devout Muslim who runs the Islamic religion. Mr. Sakera to fight the invaders penidasan, After Mr. Sakerah captured and hanged in Pasuruan, East Java. He was buried in the City Bangil. Or rather in the region Bekacak, Kolursari Sub-District, the southernmost region Bangil City.


Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 07.28, under | 1 comment

Ludruk is art that comes from east Java. Ludruk is a traditional drama performed by an arts group in gelarkan disebuah stage by taking the story of the lives of everyday people, stories of struggle and so are interspersed with jokes and accompanied by gamelan as a musical.The performance can be witnessed in ludruk particular day in Surabaya Mall People Ammucement Park (THR) 110 or Jl.Kusuma Nation Cultural Park Cak Durasim Jl.Genteng time clock 20.00 - 24.00 WIB.

Kamis, 26 November 2009


Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 15.03, under | No comments

Keris is a typical Indonesian stabbing weapon. Based on ancient documents, the keris in preliminary form has been used since the 9th century. Strong likelihood that the keris has been used before that time. Kebudyaan Indonesian Minister Jero Wacik has brought the keris to UNESCO and requested assurance that this is the cultural heritage of Indonesia.

The use of the keris itself scattered in clumps community Malays. At present, the keris commonly known in the area of Indonesia (especially in the areas of Java, Madura, Bali / Lombok, Sumatra, part of Borneo, and some of Sulawesi), Malaysia, Brunei, Thailand, and Philippines (particularly in the Mindanao region). In Mindanao, the form of weapon which is also called the keris is not much resemblance but also a stabbing weapon.
Keris has a variety of forms, for example, there is a winding blade (berbilang always odd) and some are straight bladed. Javanese people assume different forms have different effects esoteri.
Besides being used as a weapon, the keris is also often considered to have supernatural powers. This weapon is often mentioned in many traditional legends, such as the keris Mpu Gandring in legend of Ken Arok and Ken Dedes.
The procedure to use different kris in each region. In areas such as Javanese and Sundanese, the keris is placed in the back of the waist in peacetime but is placed in front in the war. Meanwhile, in Sumatra, Borneo, Malaysia, Brunei and the Philippines, the keris was placed in front.
Kris addition, there are a number of other stabbing weapons in the archipelago region, such as Rencong from Aceh, Badik from Sulawesi and West Java cleaver. Keris distinguished from other stabbing weapons primarily from the blade. Keris is not made from a single metal casted but a mixture of various metal layers. As a result of this manufacturing technique, the keris has a specificity of fame on the blade.

Wayang Kulit

Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 14.46, under | No comments

Night in Yogyakarta will feel alive if you miss it by looking at the shadow play. Gamelan rhythms combined with dynamic voice of the sinden will not let you fall in sleep. The story that brought the mastermind will bring you to come in late as one of the characters in the story. You too will soon realize how great of Javanese culture in the past.

Wayang kulit is performance art that have more than half a millennium. Appearance has its own story, related to the entry of Javanese Islam. One member of the Wali Songo created by adopting Wayang Beber is developed in the heyday of Hindu-Buddhist. The adoption was done because the puppet already attached to the Javanese to become the right medium for disseminating propaganda of Islam, while Islam forbids visual art form. As a result, created shadow puppets where people can only see shadows.
Leather puppet played by a man who would be called the greatest public entertainer in the world. How not, during the night, the mastermind behind the actor playing the character of a wayang kulit puppets of buffalo leather with decorated motif decoration chisel handicrafts (leather carving). He had to change the character of the sound, changing intonation, out jokes and even singing. To turn the atmosphere, aided by the mastermind musician who played the gamelan and sinden who sing songs of Java.

The characters in the puppet whole number in the hundreds. The puppets that are not played are placed in the existing banana trunks near the mastermind. When played, the puppets will appear as shadows on the white screen in front of the puppeteer. The image can be created for each puppet show using oil lamps for lighting that helps reflecting the puppets being played.

Each puppet brings the story or play a different. Variety theater is divided into 4 categories, namely standard play, play carangan, theater piece and the play yard. Standard play has a whole story based on the library while the puppet theater carangan only outline only based on the library puppet. Composition does not play based on wayang story but wearing the places according to the library puppet, while the play was entirely written by a freelance.

Wayang stories based on some old books like the Ramayana, Mahabharata, Pustaka Raja Purwa and Purwakanda. Today, there are also books containing play and essay composed by hundreds of years has been appreciated by the public Abhimanyu Kerem, Doraweca, Suryatmaja Maling and so on. Among all the old books used, the Book Purwakanda is the most frequently used by puppeteers from the Sultan Palace. Leather puppet puppeteer begins when the mountains have been issue. An all-night wayang performance Yogyakarta style divided into 3 rounds that have lined 7 (scene) and 7 scenes of war. First round, called pathet Lasem, 3 lined and has 2 scenes that accompanied the war gising-gising pathet Lasem. Pathet Sanga the second half lined and has 2 scenes of war 2, while the Pathet Manura the third round has 2 lined and 3 scenes of war. One of the most anticipated part of many people at each puppet is because of the joke-joke presents typical Java.

Sasono Hinggil located in northern South Square is the place most often hold events all night wayang performances, usually held every second and fourth weeks starting at 21:00 pm. Another place is the Sri Maganti ward located in the Sultan's Palace. Wayang Kulit is staged in the hall for 2 hours starting at 10:00 am every Saturday with a ticket USD 5000.00.

Text: Yunanto Wiji Utomo

Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 14.32, under | No comments

Angklung is a traditional musical instrument which comes dar Indonesia Sunda Land, made of bamboo, which sounded shaken by (the sound caused by the impact of bamboo pipe body) that produces a sound that vibrates in the composition of tones 2, 3, and 4 tones in every size, both large and small. Barrel (tone) angklung instruments as Sundanese traditional music is mostly Salendro and pelog.