Jumat, 04 Desember 2009


Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 20.23, under | No comments

a traditional tool that we often encounter in the area east of Java, Madura particularly called clurit. Sickle or crescent is an agricultural tool similar arch-shaped knife used for cutting various types of grasses, The inside of the arch-shaped sharp, curved shape facilitates the cutting process by cutting the bottom of the cut plants by swinging like motion hack with one hand, or when to collect grass or harvesting the rice crop the other hand holding the main biasanyah plants. handles or the upper wooden scythe.

Clurit is the development of a sickle, which was developed by the community madura, Clurit legend believed to have originated from the pack Sakera / Sakerah, a foreman from Pasuruan cane which became one of resistance to Dutch colonialism. He is known for never leaving celurit and always carry / wear in everyday activities, which was used as a farm / plantation. He comes from the students and a devout Muslim who runs the Islamic religion. Mr. Sakera to fight the invaders penidasan, After Mr. Sakerah captured and hanged in Pasuruan, East Java. He was buried in the City Bangil. Or rather in the region Bekacak, Kolursari Sub-District, the southernmost region Bangil City.


Posted by Muhammad Aviv N 07.28, under | 1 comment

Ludruk is art that comes from east Java. Ludruk is a traditional drama performed by an arts group in gelarkan disebuah stage by taking the story of the lives of everyday people, stories of struggle and so are interspersed with jokes and accompanied by gamelan as a musical.The performance can be witnessed in ludruk particular day in Surabaya Mall People Ammucement Park (THR) 110 or Jl.Kusuma Nation Cultural Park Cak Durasim Jl.Genteng time clock 20.00 - 24.00 WIB.